Receive & Cocreate


March 13th–25th 2023

Aby Dous
Mount Sinai

This was the task

"Record Everything
Return Everything
Rebuild Everything
Remember Everything"

- my guides told me

I have a lot to share, and it will come online here step by step.

To begin with, below are a couple of videos and a link to a powerful transmission of light language that came through in June. The channeling combines all our work in Egypt and connects it with Svalbard, Norway.

Listen to the light language here

Valley of the Kings

As I took my first step towards the entrance of the Seti Tomb, an energetic wall came in front of me from the right.

It caught me by surprise. I couldn’t continue. Until I centered myself and tuned in to the energy.

As I looked into the pathway going down, I lost my breath and tears ran down my face. What was going on?!

I felt at home. Deeply connected to this place, these images, this wisdom.

I saw the wings of Goddess Isis painted above the door and on the walls.

Walked slowly. Started breathing. Stopped crying. Came closer and closer to the main chamber. Turned on the camera and let it guide me.

Then light language came through. The walls were speaking.

Listen. What message is there for you?

Hathor Temple, Dendera

Beyond words. It turned out part of my function on this journey was to open and/or close the gates for our energy work at several places.

Spaceholder of some sort. The last to enter while channeling light codes and the last to leave.

This was the first time it happened.

When I reached the rest of the group they had been waiting. Because the energetic gates were closed.

As they listened to this video, the gates opened and they could enter the area. Energy is magic.