Channeled June 1st 2023

Light Language Transmission

 Connecting Egypt & Svalbard

Please note:

This audio file is very high frequent energies for 37 minutes.

It can be life changing for you.

Please don't drive while listening, and make sure you rest, integrate and drink water.

This channeling came through, when I read a fb post by Matìas de Stèfano, who is currently doing energy work in Svalbard, Norway.

It connects the energy work Danish colleagues and I did in March '23 in Egypt (the throat chakra of the earth) with Svalbard (the Crown chakra). The same connection happens in your body.

What to expect

Pure, vocal channeling of different kinds of light language offering you...

🌀 The energies of the priestess portals we created in Giza, Dashur and Abu Ghorab
🌀 The energies from Mount Sinai through stones from there
🌀 Cosmic Light Codes from Karnak Temple connecting it to Luxor Temple
🌀 The connection through the Library of Alexandria to Svalbard and the energy there
🌀 Energy from Hathor Temple in Dendera and Goddess Nut
🌀 The wisdom from inside Tutankhamons Tomb, you’ll be taken back to when I opened the energy on March 15th
🌀 Heart Opening - and Voice Opening - of Humanity — in its essence

The stones on the picture are the ones I use and mention during the transmission.

Two yellow stones: Giza Priestess Portal
Smallest stone: Cosmic Light Codes from Karnak Temple
White crystal: Abu Ghorab Priestess Portal
Long stone to the left: Hathor Temple, Dendera
Bottom: Stones from Mount Sinai

Please share your experience with me!

Send me an email